
The focus of the Informatics study program at this time is on designing and developing smart applications with the following scopes:

  1. Smart application engineering
  2. Smart device engineering
  3. Embedded System
  4. Network and Cybersecurity

Apart from the above advantages, the Informatics study program also has other advantages in order to realize curriculum principles, including:

  1. The Principal Scientific Pattern (PIP) as the identity of the university with the background of the Jaya Development Business group which is engaged in the development of urban areas with a center of excellence for Urban Development and Urban Lifestyle. There are three supporters of this implementation, including:
    • KOTA curriculum (Open To All Class) which is in line with the concept of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka, where the Informatics study program provides opportunities for study program students to spend credits outside of study programs, and vice versa provides opportunities for students outside the study program to spend credits on informatics
    • SD (Sustainable Development) with the hope that in the future students / graduates can become agents of change for the environment
    • Jaya Launch Pad (JLP) as an effort to accelerate the forging of an entrepreneurial spirit as well as an effort to produce young entrepreneurs who are responsive, innovative and creative
  2. Professional Work / Internships as an effort to provide real work experience in the industrial world. In the 2019 curriculum, several courses can be converted into apprenticeship credits which are aligned with the concept of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka
  3. Certification. UPJ has a unit that facilitates the implementation of the certification program under the Jaya Center for Advanced Learning (JCAL). Currently, the certification programs that can be chosen include:
    • English Proficiency Test - TOEIC
    • Professional certification (LSP UPJ License) - Network Engineer Scheme